16th Anniversary You Are My Rock Gift Idea - Solid Metal Heavy Polished Rock Gift for 16 Year Anniversary

Solid Metal - Quality Heavy Metal Rock Weighs 200 gram
Polished to shine with the words 'you are my rock 16 years'
16th Wedding Anniversary Gift Idea for Both Him and Her
Packaged in Wood Straw
Comes with a little slip inside called 'The Story of Your Rock' which explains where the original rock came from

This is a lovely anniversary gift idea and something unique to give your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife for your 16th anniversary designed to give to someone who has been your rock for 16 year. Cast from an actual rock found on a beach in Cornwall. We created a stunning replica in solid metal, this is a heavy quality rock that would make a great ornament. Perfect for the 16th anniversary where you want to give something special and something unique you wont have seen before. Features the words 'you are my rock 16 year'. made in the UK this item is perfect. Weight - 200g Size - 65mm x 33mm x 25mm